There are no technical limitations or current legislation standing in the way of using electronic trade documents in countries such as Sweden. However, established routines, outdated systems, and a lack of knowledge often contribute to slowing down this process. Nevertheless, a Swedish interest organization is working on addressing these challenges, and by 2024, their goal is to have 80% of all invoices sent in Sweden to be e-invoices.
What is NEA?
NEA (Nätverket för elektroniska affärer/The Network for Electronic Business) is a member-driven Swedish interest organization consisting of private and public entities working together to promote the use of electronic information exchange in Sweden. Established in 1989, the organization serves as a neutral meeting place for all service providers involved in digital trade flows, with core values such as independence, openness, and drive.
NEA has over 40 members, including Logiq. Many of these members are EDI service providers or subject matter experts in finance and economics.
By disseminating information and knowledge, asking important questions and providing a network for its members, NEA can contribute to Sweden achieving the same high percentage of e-commerce as its neighboring countries, Norway, Denmark, and Finland. NEA is working, among other things, towards the goal of having 80% of all invoices sent in Sweden be e-invoices by 2024. A working group within NEA has produced a report on this, which can be found here.
What is NEA eRegister?
In order to communicate electronically, you need an electronic address. NEA eRegister contains electronic addresses for both recipients and senders in Sweden (similar to how a phone directory contains phone numbers). Thirteen Swedish EDI operators participate in the register and have registered their customers.
By june 2023, NEA eRegister had 400,000 registered addresses for businesses. The purpose of the register is to streamline the exchange of electronic trade documents by making it easier to connect senders and recipients.
The exchange of documents using NEA eRegister relies on the participating operators having signed interconnection agreements with each other. Access to NEA eRegister is open to everyone, including operators, authorities, companies, and individuals, through the NEA website.
NEA eRegister + Peppol = a larger e-commerce network
NEA eRegister is an important complement to Peppol. EDI operators that can look up recipients in both these registers can offer their customers a more efficient distribution. Logiq is one of the few EDI operators that seamlessly distribute documents to recipients in both registers. That ensures a higt degree of electronic distribution.
NEA eRegister is a register for finding trading partners. It is not a tool or network for sending e-invoices or other electronic documents.
Why do we register your company in the NEA eRegister?
Knowing which of your customers and suppliers who can handle digital documents is valuable information for any company wishing to digitize its workflows. Logiq automatically registers our customers in the NEA eRegister. This contributes to increasing the level of digitalization in the Swedish business community.
Browse the NEA membership list here.